Wednesday, April 13, 2011

early am thoughts

So I'm sitting here in the living room, getting my business side together.
Started my music twitter page Garren_Keith, so follow me back tweeple!!!! lol

It's 3:30 am, and i have a show to do. Well I'm performing with my brother @RiZigZag is perfroming, I'm doing our track #ParkAveMusic with @UptownTone.
It's at The Arts Garage on Ridge ave, i think Riz said we go on at 10:45, I'm not sure lol..

Am i nervous, umm hell no ctfu. I just performed there last thursday, & ROCKED IT!!!!!!!!

I'll pat myself on the back, I hadn't performed in a minute..but the crowd showed  ton of love..moms came to see me perform with te camera..brought a smile to my face...

I'll def have some footage to upload for you guys this week..sorry for tha lack of posts..that'll change ASAP...

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