Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Thinking about things....

Well HELLO!!!!!
It's been awhile since I've blogged..
Too many blessing have come my way since my last blog entry...
Much love to my Aviation Club family, we rocked the show at The Arts Garage..
I came to perfrom my verse for "Park Ave Music", which is a track that consists of myself, @RiZigZag, & @UptownTone..
@RiZigZag really showed off that night..it was MAJOR!!!!!!...

My PR got my tee shirts made..the name of the teeshirts are called GarrenTees...
We have multiple colors throw aways coming out, with different slogans also..

I have some shows coming REALLY soon..
WhoIsGarrenKeith? the EP is coming out the middle to late May..
TRANSPARENCY will be here in July around my birthday...Leo Zone!!

I hope i gave you guys enough information about myself...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

early am thoughts

So I'm sitting here in the living room, getting my business side together.
Started my music twitter page Garren_Keith, so follow me back tweeple!!!! lol

It's 3:30 am, and i have a show to do. Well I'm performing with my brother @RiZigZag is perfroming, I'm doing our track #ParkAveMusic with @UptownTone.
It's at The Arts Garage on Ridge ave, i think Riz said we go on at 10:45, I'm not sure lol..

Am i nervous, umm hell no ctfu. I just performed there last thursday, & ROCKED IT!!!!!!!!

I'll pat myself on the back, I hadn't performed in a minute..but the crowd showed  ton of love..moms came to see me perform with te camera..brought a smile to my face...

I'll def have some footage to upload for you guys this week..sorry for tha lack of posts..that'll change ASAP...